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21st Century Leadership
1. A Little About Me
My TEDx Talk and What I Do
A Brief Intro
My Fascination with Leadership
My Premise - "The Dot" - A Story by Peter H. Reynolds
What You'll Learn
2. A Little About this Course
3 Sentence Intro
About This Course
"Unchartered Waters:" Why Now is a Great Time to Change how We Lead
Gallup: We Have A Very Disengaged Workforce
A New Framework for Leadership
3. Why A New Leadership Model!
Determine Your Why
Every Leader Needs to Learn to Surf
Surfing is a lot like Leading
A Wave is Like A Mirror to the Soul
Command and Control Leadership is Dead
Managing a Team Today is Totally Different
4. A New Perspective
Leaders are Still Stuck in the Org Chart
Surfers, Relationships, and Trust
Two Mindsets
What a Surfer Looks LIke
The New Architecture - Give People Control
Density of Data and the Need to Open-Source
Look for the Story Not Just Data
5. The Science and the Research
A Living System... And a Little bit of Science
Find the Natural Principles of Living Systems
The Future of Management - Gary Hamel
Gallup and Google
The Millennial
Daniel Pink - What Really Motivates
Fredrick Laloux - Reinventing Organizations
"The Starfish and the Spider"
A New (Interactive) Way Forward - (Prezi Lecture)
6. Real World Applications
CEO Ricardo Semler and Semco
CEO Terri Kelly at Gore and Associates
Proceed with a Slowness
Where to Begin
7. A Case Study: How I Implemented it in one Organization
Summary and Context
Key Innovations and Timeline
Challenges and Solutions
Benefits and Metrics
Lessons and Credits
8. The Model
9. The Impact
Empower People
Fail Fast
Connect Communities, again and again
Create Meaning
Develop Others
10. Next Steps
First - Pick Something Small
TEDx - (Course Abbreviated Recap and TEDxRexburg Content))
Teach online with
Every Leader Needs to Learn to Surf
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